Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Instead of speak to me, you choose to Re-Read silently...

I have an audience
who read what I write...
I have an audience
who feel the emotion of spoken word.
With metaphors and similes...
I have an audience
that consists of you and me.

So you read what I write?
Do you like?
And why do you feel that way,
about what I say?
How is it that you interpret,
my intellectual serpent?

Do you feel I speak to you?
Or do you feel I speak of me?
You should know, that answer lies in how you be...
If you feel something inside,
It must have been a memory,
that was powerful enough,
to withstand... love, lust and luck.
And thus,
Signaling your heart to reach into the dark,
And remember life, from these words I write.

What a feeling you must feel
when you secretly, knowingly and purposefully
re-read these words I spill...
Because I say what people don't want to hear,
words that confront their biggest fears...
And memories that were locked in a box.
And when the end was reached
How many times did you secretly re-read and re-read?

So please do read down,
from year to year,
on this blog,
my writings appear,
then disappear...
Only to be re-discovered

YouRs TruLy,

Secretly Re-Read and avoid the pain of speech

1 comment:

  1. This is more wonderful and thought-provoking than words can say. I can honestly feel the yearning to convey and communicate. Exceptional work!
